Online toolkit with resources and activities about copyright online, creative commons licences and how to protect online creative works. It includes ‘Lead in Questions’ for opening critical discussions in class, an ‘Activity Plan’ linked to the written stories, ‘Ideas for Educators’ with curated learning resources globally and ‘Did you Know’ sections, where projects and research are introduced. It also includes links to cartoon video stories (8 episodes, each last approx. 5-13 minutes. Total: 1 hour and 17 minutes)
This series explores strategies for protecting personal creative content online and crediting the rights of others, exploring Creative Commons Licenses. Pinachu, the Copyright Alien, visits Earth to teach people good strategies for copying things right and Judge Isaias brings justice on the basis of copy wrong behaviours. Judge Isaias is not afraid to bang his gavel and invites you to be very quiet while the case is presented as otherwise, he gets really angry!
Series 3. Copyright
A4 purple toolkit, 50 pages